The Antropos Mentálhygiénés Egyesület kindly recommends its recently published book:
In the Presence
Studies in the Theory, Training and Practice of Pastoral Counselling
“Pastoral care is often about transmission and mediation. This volume of studies would like to testify that the practice of pastoral care is also often about the transmission and mediation of each other’s experiences and lived encounters.
Since the early 1990s, there have been significant changes in the education and practice of pastoral care in Hungary. Mainly as a result of Western European influences, pastoral care training has become more colourful, which has allowed us to become acquainted with schools and trends that were previously unknown.
After thirty years it seemed necessary to stop, look back at how far we have come, define where pastoral care in Hungary stands now and look to the future, seeking new challenges and opportunities. The authors of this volume of studies have set themselves this goal.
We recommend the book to all those who are interested in the situation of pastoral care in Hungary and to those who are curious about how a particular theoretical trend or method has been adapted in a context quite different from the original. This volume of studies can also be exciting for those who are interested in new, unusual forms and methods of pastoral care.”
The book can be ordered through this form:
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In the Presence
Studies in the Theory, Training and Practice of Pastoral Counselling
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A 16 angol nyelvű tanulmány a lelkigondozás elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései mellett a lelkigondozó-képzés és a szakmai együttműködés témáit is tárgyalja.
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